Let's Connect!



Master the Art of Selling for Technology Adoption

Diagnose the root cause of your sales problem.

Develop a Strategic Evidence-based Sales Plan

Create Impact, Connection, & Adoption!

What MedTech start-ups wished they knew before they failed.

The MedTech Industry is growing at a CAGR of 5% a year and expected to grow by 50% to $291B by 2030; yet only 1 out of 4 companies who enter the market are succeeding at gaining market adoption.

Why? The statistics state the primary reasons for failure are lack of a unique value proposition and lack of an evidence-based sales strategy. The analysts give you the correct theme to the plot, but I will reveal to you the true sales killers in the story and how to put countermeasures in place for your survival.


Request your Survival Guide Here
  • Struggling to get incoming leads?
  • Have you hit a plateau or decline due to a change in market conditions?
  • Has your sales team's confidence been affected by business uncertainty or organizational restructuring?
  • Are you struggling to build a consistent recurring revenue stream to sustain your business?
  • Are you struggling to find the right strategic solutions-based sales strategy to gain market adoption?
  • Does work feel like duty and obligation, instead of inspiration and love?
  • Have you lost your confidence, voice, and passion?

Your Mindset Drives Sales Success


Align your attention and intentions on the customer you serve. Start with WHY.


Your CONVICTION and ATTITUDE drive your sales performance. Business is a game of ENERGETICS.


Reconnect to your calling and leverage your strengths. There is no inspiration in logic.


Client Transformations


Service Options

C-suite Executive Consulting for Technology Adoption 

  • Compress time to adoption by Leveraging 39 years of Sales Strategy Expertise in Med Tech Device
  • Clarify your unique Value Proposition and Name and claim your Niche.
  • Design & implement a customized "Evidence-based" sales strategy that addresses all the psychographic needs required for your technology to gain adoption. 
  • Become the "Go To Leader!" for your Vertical Market.

Group Mastermind

Quarterbacks aren't the only people who have blind spots.

Lots of transitions occur over a career and sometimes handling those transitions is easier with a guide.

A guide who has been where you are, and who can shine a light on your blind spots, so you can get out of your own way and go faster.

Looking to expand your FAITH capacity in yourself and others?

  • Ready to step into the arena to create your own destiny instead of reacting to the circumstances, events, and conditions? 
  • Imagine what it will feel like to work with a guide who will expand your beliefs while being part of a community of high achievers who knows the learning never ends.
  • If you are ready to create your destiny on your terms both personally and professionally, let's connect! This membership is for you.

Join us - Be fearless.  Enjoy a labor of love at work - Be YOU!


Sales Training

Your business GROWS at the speed of your team's development.

When you INVEST in your PEOPLE assets internally and INSPIRE your team to INVEST in their relationships externally, you will grow and expand your business by LAW, not by Luck.

  • SIMPLIFY your sales processes.
  • Leverage your unique value proposition.
  • Strengthen your team's connection & support skills to create TRUST.
  • Build & expand your team's business acumen skills to create VALUE.
  • Teach them not just what to do, but why to do it, so they can do it in their own authentic way. 
  • Apply the INVESTMENT philosophy towards your people, processes, and resources to create PROFIT.

When your team knows you believe in them and what you are selling, engagement increases.

Master the business game of energetics- CONVCTION & ATTITUDE creates CERTAINTY!



Discover what's holding you back
in your sales performance

Business is a game of Energetics & how you show up in the marketplace matters. 

But if your leadership, engagement and energy is blocked and you can't see your blind spot because it is unconscious to you; you will stay stuck. You will self-sabotage your success.

Determine why you are stuck. Subconscious friction is what slows business down. Find out where your biggest opportunity for a breakthrough lies!

How it Works

two speech bubbles

1. Diagnose the root cause of your sales problem.

bulleted list plan

2.Develop a Strategic Evidence-based Sales Plan

shooting star

3. Put FUN & passion back into your work! 

Book a strategy call today!

Short on time? Take our free Sales AUDIT then schedule a time to review your results.

What MedTech Startups wish they knew before they failed.


You got into MedTech to make a positive difference in the human condition. To leave the world in a better place than you found it. Midway in something just feels off. You know your product's strengths, but something is blocking your success.

You are feeling pressured to get the technology adopted fast enough before your funding runs out. 

We all have blind spots. The good news is, it's never too late to step on the success curve.  It's just a matter of re-evaluating your philosophy. And when you leverage specialized knowledge with a guide who's been in you shoes that can shine light on the blind spot, you can get out of your own way and make your ceiling your new floor.

I know what it’s like to feel stuck selling disruptive technology, which is why I combined my 35-year tenure in sales and sales management with mindset coaching.

Here’s how it works: Connect with me to diagnose the root cause of your sales problem, get a strategic support plan specific to your needs, and put the fun & passion back into your work.

You are here for a reason. Schedule a call today. What you do today is creating your future.

Trust yourself and your intuition.   

You're worth it - ACT now!

Book a call
Rhonda Petit blond women smiling wearing black suit jacket
curved shape and paper airplane 3x5 Coaching logo

Technology is absorbed in the marketplace. The promise of disruptive technology is exciting but if it does not move beyond the technology enthusiasts to reach the Mainstreet market, the return on investment will become a return on failure.

I help Med Tech B2B sales executives gain market adoption for their disruptive technology and become the Go To Leader in their Vertical Market.

Leverage the strategies of a guide with 4 decades of experience in Med Tech disruptive technologies to compress time and move forward in uncertainty inspired with confidence, competence, and clarity to play full out in complete control of your destiny.


(267) 272-2501

[email protected]

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